Saturday, December 19, 2015

Travel Plans

Dear Elder Hodson,
Well, your travel plans have arrived and you will be going to the Mexico Xalapa Mission finally on the 6th of January.
The 5th is our transfer day when the missionaries depart for home and the new missionaries arrive.
We will see what will be the best for you that day, but possibly another day with me as your companion. Which makes me so happy!
Your flight is at 1:12AM on the 6th so we have to have you to the airport on the 5th at 11:45pm to check your luggage and get you to your gate on time.
Almost another “sleep over”.  We will discuss the plans in detail before that date.
President Greet is anxious for your arrival.
Know that you will always be a part of the California Roseville Mission and one of mine as well.
Love to you and your family.
Best regards,
President Michael F. Marston

California Roseville Mission

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