Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 60


I think the most exciting phone call ive gotten in my mission happened today!  We were just casually studying, and the assistants called me to tell me that I will be training this upcoming change!!!!  This week was really rough, but that call just made it all better!  So today is my official pday because on monday i will be going to recieve my little son.  Im honestly so excited, and humbled by the opportunity.

Besides that this week was kind of rough!  But its all good.   We didnt have too much success this week, and sadly one of our investigators wont be able to get baptized for a little longer, because of some past problems, and honestly that has been hard for me, but its all good, we are going to keep on working with him.  
Im really excited to be able to work with a new, because training always has tons of miracles, and this should be a super fun change! 
But thats about all, i wont be able to write until the next monday, so keep us in our prayers, i need to baptize weekly!
Elder Hodson


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 59

Ciudad de Café

Well one more week here in the great pueblo of coatepec.  I love it here!  Ive been having a great time here.

This week was good!  We have been working a lot more by the church building, but i feel like that area is a little overworked, but were going to keep looking around.
Our golden investigator carlos keeps on being golden.  We managed to contact his entire family as well.  They are all equally as weird hahaha, but theyre awesome!  The dad apparently 40 years ago took lessons with missionaries, but still isnt convinced, but he has started his search.  They are all very accepting, and so far have fulfilled their commitments, so thats always exciting.
On a sad note, saturday we were going to baptize, but 0 members showed up to the baptism, so instead of having a really depressing baptism, we decided to move it.  Im honestly a little upset, and just embarrased for our investigator, but he didnt seem too upset.  Its been hard for him as well to make the sacrifice for the gospel, but he is willing to keep pushing on. 
My invintation to everyone at home is not to be a sunday only member, and to learn that the gospel is every single day. Especially in these last days, everytime i hear whats happening with our two candidates for president, it just is a showing that the second coming is near.  And like my president says im going to the celestial kingdom, but the question is are you coming with me? So make sure youre all ready for that day.
Love you all!
Elder Hodson


Week 58

Conferencia de Estaca

This week was awesome!  Im finally into the position where i actually know the area, and have it set in a better way.

This week started off great!  We found 5 news on tuesday, so we put ourselves in a much better position.  We found one guy thats 25 years old, and he is the definition of what a convert will be.  He let us in, and understood everything perfect.  When he heard that we have a prophet today, he couldnt be happier, and basically was signing up to be baptized.  Hes a little bit weird, but he is excited to be able to change his life.  He went to stake conference, and our mission president was super excited to see him as well.  Im really excited for him.  The day after we taught him he went to the catholic church, and told them they were wrong, and he is never going back there!  Its gonna be fun to teach him.  He really is a huge blessing.

We also had interviews and some special changes with our assistants, so this week was a little hectic, but were back to normal.

The work is moving along now, im planning the bauticambio, i should be able to do it here.
In stake conference, the stake president talked about the requirements to live in the celestial kingdom, and they really arent easy requirements, so all of you at home, think about what youre doing today to prepare to become like god, and to live in the presence of a celestial being!

Love you all!  
Elder Hodson
The pic with the random stranger was a drunk guy that was telling me we were basically twins, and that i was black hahaha.  Oh we had a quick little basketball match, and the court was a little dirty.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week 57

General Conference

This week was a hard one !  But the workis the work.  Tuesday we were getting everything set up for a pair of investigators to get married, and later that day the husbands father had a heart attack and passed away.  He has been having a rough time with that, and as a result he went back to his old ways of drinking to cover the pain. So we have to work really hard with him to get things back to normal,  I really hope we can help him to see the importance of baptism to his salvation, and the future salvation of his father.

I think the hardest part of teaching the gospel is getting people to give up traditions of man for teachings of God.
We also had a baptism that was set for sunday, but the joven´s parents got very upset with him, and basically locked him in the house, and lots of problems with his parents because of gossip and false doctrine about the church.  But we are going to be like alma and baptize is secret haha,he is 20 years old either way, but it was a let down this sun.
On a good note CONFERENCE WAS AMAZING. Lots and lots of bashing on the members haha.  Hopefully the members here took something out of it.  Something i learned was we judge people when we shouldnt. I have said "no lets not bring that member, bc ive heard he is crazy." and i am denying them the opportunity to preach the gospel.  So we are starting to visit all the members and getting their work hours to be able to bring them to lessons, and show them how unuseful itis to contact, instead of references.
Thats all for this week, i love it here!
Elderr Hodson